Hey everyone! Sorry I'm terrible about updating. I'm about to start my last semester of college next week and 1) I'm likely going to be super busy, 2) I don't yet feel qualified to officially adult!! But I'm still here, and I want to thank all of you who follow me and post such kind comments about my art! Class critiques can be brutal, but you guys just say the nicest things! I know I still have to draw for some of you and I promise I will! Also, I've been reading some of the posts from people I follow and a good amount of them have started college. So, as an experienced senior, if you want to ask me anything, or just want to rant just send me a message or comment on this post. Happy New Years everyone!!
Well I'm glad to hear that people are enjoying it! I'm extremely busy these next two months but I'll try to make time to get more sketches done. It'll take longer for them to be published but I hope to continue it!