
Hi followers ..!!!
          	Hope you all are reading my book and liking it ,but please if you like it then vote for it and do comment on it as well 'cause your comments are the only motivation I have to write this book further. Just try giving a chance to this book and me and I promise that it will get better day by day , all it needs is your support.
          	Thank you @Nobody_ComparesTo_Me..!!!


Hi followers ..!!!
          Hope you all are reading my book and liking it ,but please if you like it then vote for it and do comment on it as well 'cause your comments are the only motivation I have to write this book further. Just try giving a chance to this book and me and I promise that it will get better day by day , all it needs is your support.
          Thank you @Nobody_ComparesTo_Me..!!!


Ape and goldfish? I wonder whats up with that.
          Personally i think ape is suitable for adi.


@Praxorocks yes of course after all its my first pet . Right ALIASTER_PARKER ..!!!!


@Praxorocks and shut the ape thing


Olá, Como vai? Venho te convidar para viajar, muito bem acompanhado(a), com os seres mais belos e fantásticos do mundo, ou melhor, das galáxias! Leia "ANJO BÉLICO" e entre nessa!
          Ficarei honrado se ver seus votos e comentários lá!
          Fique bem! Até logo!
          Espero que realmente leia!
          AntiSpam: POÇ~;P~P;~P;~P;ÇK´´;P[JIOPJI


@gabriel_dansi actually i did aliaster parker because google provides us with translater ..!!!