I’ve finally stopped crying enough to post about the events that has occurred on april 19th. I wasn’t an active fan of Astro, I admired their personalities and work from afar but never got to experience and love them on a deeper level. I feel like times like this is where we should put all the negativity and hate aside and mourn the beautiful soul we’ve all loss. From a young age I’ve always told myself that from the moment a person is born their life is written down, it’s just the paths we take that change what’s supposed to be destiny, every choices we make create new possibilities and every soul we encounter blooms a new path. I know their are people across the world that loved Moonbin and are feeling this loss personally. He’s helped a lot of people, wether it was through his work or by just being himself. My heart goes out to his family and the people close to him. My heart goes out to my fellow K-pop lovers, especially to the aroha’s around the world. I hope we can all come together and support everyone through this tough time, I hope Moonbin finds peace and knows how gratefully missed he is. May his soul rest in piece and may he shine in the stars <3