So just recently a friend asked me a question about my character noctilius. The question was why on the cover does one eye turn black while the other turns white and why is there black liquid falling from the other. this is a good question as it is not explained in the book yet. the reason for these abnormalities in Noctilius Is due to a magic imbalance in his blood, Noctilius as far more magic flowing through him then any being in the universe, anyone with half this amount of magic would normally die as there blood would crystallize turning to black crystal but in Noctilius's case this does not happen because him being part bloodwolf as bloodwolves have a uniquely hot blood being over 150 F, this keeps his blood from hardening allowing him to survive the imbalance that typically comes from being born a hybrid of two apex races like Noctilius, this is not to be confused by the dark blue blood that can all werewolf species have as it appears black from outside the skin. This imbalance also causes his blood to erupt into his eyes as the veins in his eyes burst when using his magic ability.