
The Stars FINAL chapter is up! I am really proud of how it turned out, and I hope anyone who goes to read it likes it too. Thank you guys for the patience with this story, it's been a beast! <3


Been working on the final chapter of The Stars, but because I always do like half the effort on my last chapters, I'm working really hard to finish it in a way that I will look back at and be proud of it. I'm going to aim to get it finished before Easter, but no promises because what happens I want to be PERFECT. So it's taking me a bit. But I promise it will be done this month.


Anyone else upset about all the stuff happening right now with Seungri?? Like the controversy and now him retiring? I love BB, and they are the entire reason I got into Kpop, so if all this turns out to be true, him prostituting women etc, I'll be so devastated and could only hope that BB could still go on as 4. I don't want what happened to 2NE1 to happen to them too. I love them too much </3


How I managed to get 30 followers I doubt I'll ever know considering how long I've dragged my story on, but thank you all so much! I really want to try to do better! I'm working on the next chapter now! Thank you for the support and leaving reviews on my stories, it means the world to me that even one person would want to read what I write. <3


Sorry that I disappeared for SUCH a long time. I never meant to abandon my story, and I’m not making excuses, but I do have things that kept me from doing a lot of things this last year. My laptop is functioning better now, it’s a little slow, but it’s also almost 5 years old now, so I deal with it lol I also have had a rough year, medically. I had my asthma kick up badly, found out I have hypothyroidism, so that has caused me to have A LOT of fatigue and brain fog, which has made me not do a lot. I haven’t drawn and gotten into my makeup much. I am hoping that my thyroid will balance out soon and I’ll see some energy return. I’m pretty sure I only have 2-3 more chapters planned, so if I can make myself do it, this story will actually be done in the coming weeks. I am really sorry that this has dragged on so long, but life is a thing that doesn’t always cooperate and sometimes, sh*t happens. If anyone cares about this update, and reads this, thank you for your patience and support, and I will try to be better now that my laptop is working again. <3


Sorry for inactivity. My laptop is out of commission for the time being, so I’ve been trying to write on my iPod, which is annoying and Jonhyun's death hit me pretty hard, so I haven’t wanted to do a whole lot. Chapter 20 is almost done, and I will hopefully get The Stars finished this month. Again, as always, thank you if you’ve kept interest this long and I’m sorry I was absent again.