
Thanks for following. Followed you right back.  You are the first published writer to follow me so I'm thrilled. Do read my works and comment. I'll definitely try to purchase and read yours from the link provided on your profile.


@readriteall  - Hi! Thanks for accepting my friend request, and for following me. I look forward to reading your stories. I'm tied up in edits right now but will get to them asap. Cheers, Noelle.


Hi Nicole, it's lovely to have someone to chat with about all of this. I stole a few hours from my day job yesterday to finalise my 1st chapter. I pressed save and when I came back later to publish none of my editing had been saved. I got so depressed I couldn't look at it today. I'll try again tomorrow. I hope to get the hang of this sooner rather than later. Cheers Elizabeth


exactly, never is right. It's very frustrating.


@lizoliver0305  Eeek! I feel your pain. Nothing worse than losing those changes. It seems you can never exactly repeat some of them.


Hi Nicole, thanks for following me. I've just joined watt pad too and am trying to find my way around everything. I think you are my first follower, but I've decided to open a new account under my pen name of "Liz  Oliver." I will be reposting my novel under that name. Perhaps you will be kind enough to follow me there as well. Best regards Elizabeth


@lizoliver0305  Hi Liz. Thanks for following me back. Yes, Wattpad is new for me too, so I understand your confusion. I look forward to following your pen name too, and reading your work. Cheers, Noelle.