
Hello fellas. So sorry for not updating any stories or chapters. Life's been so freakin' busy lately-
          	So.. I'll take loongg hiatus. Sorry to say that. I'll be back, but don't know when.
          	See ya laterz.


remaja SMA bernama [Name] baru saja mendaftar ke sekolah baru nya, disekolah baru nya yang bernama "SMA Negeri 5 Pulau Rintis". Sekolah itu terkenal cukup favorit, karna masuk ke sekolah itu tidak bisa menggunakan uang atau menyogok melainkan harus melakukan tes terlebih dahulu. Tapi karna [Name] ini terbilang cukup pintar ia tentu saja bisa masuk ke sekolah itu dengan mengikuti tes.
          Tapi tanpa [Name] sadari,jika ia memasuki sekolah SMA itu, ia bisa bertemu dengan seseorang lelaki narsis, gila, dan aneh yang selalu membuat nya risih sekaligus kesal dengan tingkah lakunya pada dirinya.
          "Mau lo apaan si anjg" 
          "Gw mau lo!!"
          Sekarang kisah [Name] dan cowo gila itu akan dimulai. 


I did wrote something, while my tasks are staring at me right at my desk.
          If I wrote about y/n about to be a hero, how about we reverse it? Isn't it boring just following the flow?
          So, check this out if you had a bored day just as same as mine ⤵


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Somehow, my books's viewers increase significantly as the last time I remember. 
          And so do my followers.
          Did I leave that long?
          Haha, sorry. Real life was completely fucked me up.
          I'll be back. Maybe at the end of May or mid of June.
          Sorry, sweethearts.


@ Noelledotexe  AAAKKK semangat kakakkk!! Aku masih setia menunggu book Keigo mu ❤️❤️