
Everyones talking about starboy bf and stargirl interlude gf but let me tell you about starboy gf and stargirl interlude bf 


There’s nothing more confusing than a situation where you got into a big argument with your best friends the day after you planned to make a photo album with your guys’s favorite memories and then you realized you were probably going to have a falling out and you were never going to meet or talk again and then you figure things out and you’re not sure if you should continue the album idea or…


“ ”You know what?” I asked, looking at him again. 
          He lifted his eyebrows arrogantly, waiting for what I was about to say. I moved in his direction. I didn’t care if after this we were ever going to talk to each other again. Maybe our relationship was about to end right in this moment? In the morning on a street in a falling asleep Las Vegas? It was all so indifferent to me. “
          -Start a Fire, round two 