
Had some family emergencies happen recently, I haven’t been able to work on my story. Thank you for all the support you have shown! I will try my best to get the next chapter done. Bear with me kittens!


Thank you! I’m rewatching the series to refresh my thoughts and pulling inspiration from other materials for what to happen next. Can’t wait for everyone to read the next chapter.


          	  It's okay everyone is having something or the other happening around them. But the only I love about you is that you are hell serious about this series like HELL SERIOUS!! I am eagerly waiting for up to come up with new chapters!and also you have a good imagination and ideas while writing an intimate scene XDD  


Had some family emergencies happen recently, I haven’t been able to work on my story. Thank you for all the support you have shown! I will try my best to get the next chapter done. Bear with me kittens!


Thank you! I’m rewatching the series to refresh my thoughts and pulling inspiration from other materials for what to happen next. Can’t wait for everyone to read the next chapter.


            It's okay everyone is having something or the other happening around them. But the only I love about you is that you are hell serious about this series like HELL SERIOUS!! I am eagerly waiting for up to come up with new chapters!and also you have a good imagination and ideas while writing an intimate scene XDD  


You guys will never believe what happened. Today at lunch I was chillin' minding my own business (Integra: Bullsh!t! Me: I was!! (lol hellsing adbridged reference)) eating a chocolate chip muffin, reading on my Wattpad app, when a (wild) teacher comes out of no where and takes my phone saying,"You can't have your phone out." I'm shocked. I process what happened and start having this mini fit inside my head and my friends tell me a teacher can't take your phone up in the lunch room unless a principal (assistant or other) walks in or another student tells a teacher. I had see a girl at a table, so had my friends, just look at me funny after the teacher takes my phone. So for the rest of the day I'm furious because I don't have my phone and then sad because of the same reason. At the end of the school day I go to the office to get my phone and when I get it they tell me I have detention! On the same day as Anime Club! (IMAC is what it's called) I have to say though it's a good thing because my parents are already on to me about my phone as it is, and if they find out about it getting me detention, they will flip and destroy it. So because it is on the same day as IMAC I have a clean alibi so they won't get mad. I was gonna stay after school anyway, and also on the next day for math tutoring. So, it's all good. Might help my math if they make me do work. I don't know how detention works at this school, especially afterschool, I only got detention once in 1st grade but I was accused of pushing a girl when I didn't even touch her. And that detention was in the morning not after school, so I guess I'm just gonna face the music and suck it up. Wish my good luck My Little Kittens! (1720 letters wow!)