
I just published an important announcement, I know it's not the one you all waited for.


          Oggi ho scoperto che quella infima personcina (leggasi, quello che è a tutti gli effetti purtroppo il padre biologico di mio figlio) usa come tecnica di flirt con altre ragazze il fatto di essere un SINGLE DAD.
          Come glielo spiego che se non si è mai interessato a suo figlio da quando è nato, non ha mai chiesto di vederlo e non partecipa né emotivamente né economicamente alla sua crescita, ha poco da flexare di essere un single dad?
          E anche oggi, per il circo è tutto. ✨ 
          Today I found out that this little person (read: the man who is, unfortunately, biologically my child’s father) uses SINGLE DAD as his flirting technique.
          How do I explain to him that if he’s never shown interest in his own child since birth, never asked to see him, and doesn’t contribute emotionally or financially to his upbringing… he doesn’t exactly get to flex being a single dad?
          And that’s a wrap for today’s circus show. ✨


@Nonoririn Hell nah man get that man off the face of earth :sob:
            But in all seriousness, he does not have any right to be using his so called status as a way of flirting, especially since.. can e even really be considered a dad?? There’s nothing wrong with you using ur single mom status, it rlly js shows how strong you are raising a kid yourself !! <33


Well tbh he doesn’t deserve the title of parent if he abandoned his child and mother of HIS child- you can use it but I think more of it as a symbol of your mental and physical strength to raise a child with no support of the father 
            Lots of love <3333


I'm not even angry anymore, just tired, but hey, maybe I can flex my single mom status too? I don't even know how being a single parent is a flex but whatever.


Hem hi! Why did you follow me, kind person? I write in italian do you understand it? 


@ Otakugirl13441 Bello! Forse proverò a leggermi qualcosa di tuo in inglese ma non so se capisco tutto 


@Otakugirl13441 Sono bilingue, mi trovo meglio a scrivere direttamente in inglese! Ma ogni tanto traduco anche in italiano quello che scrivo


@ Otakugirl13441  ahh e come mai scrivi in inglese? 


Dunno how or why but this morning I get a lot but like REALLY A LOTS of notification of people adding 12 Days on their reading list, and yeah I'm super happy but what the heck is happening, did someone spamm my book somwhere? 
          I feel like I'm about to collect some tears eheheh!




@Nonoririn Someone probally read it, and put it on yt or sumin, and has a big following, so thats prob what it was


You will love reading this
          The girl reading this is kind and I'm proud of her. Now, you're on the clock. In 9 minutes something will make you happy. Please share this with 15 girls you love. Remember, only for girls. If I don't get this back I'm obviously not a close friend. Now, I have a game for you, it's been played since 1993. Once you read this, you have to send it to 15 people. Your next 5 days will be like this: Day 1 -you will wake up to the biggest shock of your life. Day 2 - you will cross paths with an old friend you have missed. Day 3 - you will find yourself with a lot of money. Day 4 - your day will be perfect. Day 5- the person u like the most in your life will spend lots of time with you. If you don't forward this, your next 5 days will be the exact opposite. Don't break this. Send it to 15 friends in 10 minutes. It's not that hard. Whoever sent this to you must care about you. Sent to good friends and family No group chats; just and copy paste it.


I had such a great time in Greece with my little one—thank you for all the kind wishes! Even with the ground shaking underfoot (quite literally—hello, earthquakes), I just channeled my inner Italian resilience, grabbed a cup of strong coffee, and carried on. 
          Traveling alone with a baby is SO SO hard but also SO AMAZING to make memories with my little best friend that I made myself. I'm so glad to be able to do this, I don't take this for granted and I know that for most of fellows single mom this is not possible, the struggle is real
          P.s. Sorry loser of a man (no you do not deserve to be called daddy) that abandoned us, we are still enjoying our life best as we can ❤️
          Back to the updates, I'm trying to out togheter new Soulbound chapter (only 3 left till the end) but perfectionism's kinda blocking me a bit!
          Shadows of the stars updating tomorrow.
          Have a nice day!❤️


@ Nonoririn  that's so cuteeeeee ya amazing girl 


YOUR SI ANAZINGG the man was js a pussycat and a loser si he wouldn’t raise your baby right if he abandoned us you didn’t deserve this tour baby is going to grow up as an amazing person one day taht u can be proud of (not saying u arent proud rn) THANK U FOR ALL HE HARD WORK <3333