
Hey guys I'm on summer break!!! Yay I'm trying to post for my Attack on Titan Pic, Late Night Masked Ball(OC X DtK), and Junjou Romantica Life!! This summer. Also follow my other account which is @CadetKusama101 which is where my Ereri Stories are <key word ARE> going to be so watch out for that too!! That's all I gotta say sorry if I rambled but oh well! NOODLES KUSAMA SIGNING OFF~~♪♪♪


Hey guys I'm on summer break!!! Yay I'm trying to post for my Attack on Titan Pic, Late Night Masked Ball(OC X DtK), and Junjou Romantica Life!! This summer. Also follow my other account which is @CadetKusama101 which is where my Ereri Stories are <key word ARE> going to be so watch out for that too!! That's all I gotta say sorry if I rambled but oh well! NOODLES KUSAMA SIGNING OFF~~♪♪♪


Hey guys!!! I'm sorry I have not been updating but I have a suicide problem so I might update next year for all my stories. I'm sorry guys but I have toy deal with my problem now because it's getting worst so next year in November thanks!!!! NOODLES KUSAMA SINGING OFF~~


so i know that i have not posted Late Night Masked ball in like 2 months and i am so sorry right now i am in school and i have to catch up on Homework and quizzes so it might me a while until i update my 2 stories that i am working on "Late Night Masked Ball (OC X Death The Kid)" and " Junjou Romantica Life"