
hey guys, i understand you guys are judging ezra miller for what he's done lately, but what i think is wrong is you comparing his personal life with his acting which is wonderful, comparing johhny depp with ezra was also not cool johnny leaves from the movie because at the time he was having a legal fight with the actress amber heard, they both did wrong things but johnny leaves the movie fantastic animals is ezra very unlikely to leave the movie, I'm sorry guys this is my opinion


hey guys, i understand you guys are judging ezra miller for what he's done lately, but what i think is wrong is you comparing his personal life with his acting which is wonderful, comparing johhny depp with ezra was also not cool johnny leaves from the movie because at the time he was having a legal fight with the actress amber heard, they both did wrong things but johnny leaves the movie fantastic animals is ezra very unlikely to leave the movie, I'm sorry guys this is my opinion


Hey, you can get upset when a person you care about does something wrong.
          I really loved John Muney I never thought he was really wrong for divorcing his wife and having a baby and stuff changes and our relationships change. But giving your platform to a transhomophobe is wrong. REALLY wrong this time.
          Ezra Miller was a wonderful actor in my opinion, I really got that they were fantastic. Also, they have privacy from beautiful people and they were relatable because I wasn't binary so I was biased to begin with. Then they started to understand people and I don't think I need to know why this is wrong.
          Needless to say, I didn't like finding out that people doing that I was doing things wrong. I was upset because I admired them, irritated them because they liked it, and because they liked it.
          You are allowed to be upset. You are allowed not to renounce these people and you do not have to unfollow them once the drama begins. You can keep consuming the media (more free, better not always possible) and how much they are consuming what they were doing. You can say you don't want to hear about it. You can get hurt. It hurts when you realize that a person you admired was a bad person
          But, that doesn't mean defending them against all odds.


Ei, você pode ficar chateado quando uma pessoa que você gosta faz algo errado.
          Eu realmente amava John Mulaney, nunca pensei que ele estivesse errado por se divorciar de sua esposa e ter um bebê e outras coisas porque as pessoas mudam e nossos relacionamentos mudam. Mas dar sua plataforma a um transhomofóbico é errado. REALMENTE errado desta vez.
          Ezra Miller foi um ator maravilhoso na minha opinião, eu realmente achei que eles eram fantásticos. Além disso, eles têm privacidade de pessoas bonitas e eram relacionáveis ​​porque eu não era binário, então eu era tendencioso para começar. Então eles começaram a aterrorizar as pessoas... e eu não acho que preciso explicar por que isso está errado.
          Escusado será dizer que não dói descobrir que as pessoas que eu estava gostando, estavam fazendo coisas erradas. Eu estava chateado porque eu os admirava, irritado porque eles deveriam ser bons, e culpado porque eu gostava deles.
          Você está autorizado a ficar chateado. Você tem permissão para não renunciar imediatamente ao seu amor por essas pessoas e não precisa deixar de segui-las assim que o drama começar. Você pode continuar consumindo a mídia deles (quanto mais grátis, melhor, mas nem sempre possível) e aproveitar o que eles estavam fazendo. Você pode dizer que não quer ouvir sobre isso. Você pode se machucar. Dói quando você percebe que uma pessoa que você admirava era uma pessoa má
          Mas, isso não significa defendê-los contra todas as probabilidades.


hey check out fangirl dylan o brien fic 


@barryallenn seems to be interesting, you know the other works that had taylor Swift was a fanfic by james franco... but I'm going to read your fanfic


where taylor swift obsessed fangirl accidentally texts teen wolf star