
My Leon x Reader may not be finished but I absolutely finished a drabble of reader insert practice with Raihan hosting a party that's basically a D&D campaign. 


When I said I might write a Leon x Reader cause of quarantine, I meant I will but now I'm like 2000 words in and it's been almost two months and it's not done. 
          God almighty I need something to motivate me to finish this Leon x Reader please. 


@Burnt_Patchwork Abcjskckanfkwncksnclajfj That's a good motivation let's hope I get it out before tomorrow omg.


@NorasWriting motivation you say? Think of the pokemon swsh expansion pack coming out XD idk


To anyone who even still uses this website, hi!! Guess who's back. 
          Anyway, if anyone's wondering what happened to the fics from before the current two, they're gone. I got rid of them. Most I backed up, most I didn't. Just kinda didn't like them and wanted to start new. 
          I'm gonna try writing again, it's been a while and after getting back into Pokémon, I think I'll be writing about my OCs again. Granted, to those who remember my old Pokémon OCs, the only one returning would be Myra. And I've changed her too so yeah. 
          Anywho, I hope you all don't mind anything I did with deleting and I look forward to posting again!