
Hello everyone! I know it's been two weeks since my last update on Phantom Love and I apologize for not updating sooner! I would like to communicate with y'all so you know I haven't abandoned it.
          	Life has been extremely chaotic/stressful and for the next two to three weeks it is just going to get more chaotic. I am going to try to get chapter 40 up ASAP but it may be a few weeks yet. 
          	I'm trying to prioritize my own health and with how batshit life has been the past few weeks I haven't had any time to just relax and exist without obligations. Chapter 40 is in the works I promise, I just haven't had the energy (mentally or physically) to make a ton of progress on it and I refuse to sacrifice quality for quantity.


@Nordlys242 you're doing wonderful! Take all the time you need, lovely. 


take your time to relax and rejuvenate!! 


@Nordlys242 hey girly all g take your time


When are you planning to update phantom love?


@Nordlys242 how many chapters are left?


@AlyconGray Take all the time you need, please be sure to take care of your health and mental health, I will be praying for a safe delivery tell us how you are doing after the delivery 


Your story is the best thing I've read in a while! It's provided me a lot of distraction from the things happing in my life rn and I'm so grateful for it. Hope you are well and safe. ❤xoxo 


@Nordlys242 dw take your time! Take care of yourself first b4 anything else. Us readers will happily wait till things are more stable on your side of the world rather than you work yourself to death. SO ALWAYS PUT YOURSELF FIRST! xoxo❤


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@talkdirtytome_69 thank you  I'm hoping to get another chapter up soon but I'm also working full time, dealing with house/family shit, trying to better myself, and I'm working on turning Phantom Love into a book series to publish on KU  but there is more coming I promise!  