welp imma so proud of myself i watched over 250 episodes of 4 different animes this 2 weeks and yet i also revised and had online lessons everyday. happy school suspension daysss
Two years ago, after I got my report card, I decided to sign up for Wattpad. It was fun reading to many books and met 2 great Arashi acquaintances @saetoshi@icewafflez Time flies and its time to start my 3rd year in Wattpad :))
@NormalRainbow I've been inactive since...
I wonder if you guys have discord cause there's an English Arashians fan server out there you could join that has over 1k members.
Congratulations to Arashi for finishing their 5x20 concert tour!! 50 concerts in total, 本当にお疲れ様でした. The last concert is really touching. Thank you Arashi!