Hi, do you take requests for personalized arts?

@Northern_Lightz | Do you think you can recreate this cover art ( https://pin.it/6sCmE4ECE ) with Michael Kaiser?
Reading Lists
Debating whether I should rejoin the community… maybe just to write? I have tons of stories in mind and, after all, it’s what I originally made an account for. There’ll still be art on the side but I want to expand to wider horizons.
Hi, do you take requests for personalized arts?
@Northern_Lightz | Do you think you can recreate this cover art ( https://pin.it/6sCmE4ECE ) with Michael Kaiser?
Just a question I was reading and scrolling on ThatLastWolfs adopt book and I found the page with te WILDCRAFT typos and I found out you did have it! I personally love that game
@SunlightandRainFlow Agh I was trying to log in but apparently my password is wrong and I can’t remember it. I’ll keep trying though, but I’m not sure if I can get back to my account atm
@Northern_Lightz Mk! That's fine what world should we go in? I hear thy made a new one!
Good Morning and Greeting I hope your having an amazing morning!
@SunlightandRainFlow Ooh that sounds interesting! Glad to know we both like retro/vintage stuff :D
@Northern_Lightz Woah that sounds cool! I wish there was a 90/ grocery store in my area because I like to study the 90s so being in older themed places comforts me too!
@SunlightandRainFlow Lol me neither tbh, by “shopping” I mean grocery shopping, it’s one of my weirder quirks . There’s a huge grocery store in my town that is 50s-60s styled and I love being there because I love retro stuff and it feels just weirdly comforting.
Debating whether I should rejoin the community… maybe just to write? I have tons of stories in mind and, after all, it’s what I originally made an account for. There’ll still be art on the side but I want to expand to wider horizons.
Hello guys, just checking in :)To anyone who is still following my artbook, I’m sorry that I haven’t posted in a while! I’m focusing on school and volunteer work for the time being but will be back to post more art soon—after midterms are over. I wanted to use this announcement to put a question out: does anyone have quality OC rating/review books, know someone who does, or would be willing to review an OC for me? I’m asking for the near future and am hoping to get opinions on my sona :> That’s all! Enjoy your day/night y’all <3
PS. Depending on how thorough of a job you may be willing to do, I can provide payment in DA points.
I'm so sorry North, your birthday completely slipped my mind TvT I feel like a horrible person, not only because I didn't make you a gift, but I didn't even wish you a happy birthday :C Seriously, happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy birthday!! <33
@ThatLastWolf Thank you so so so so much!! Awww don’t worry about it, I’ve been so busy I wasn’t even able to get on Wattpad and wish YOU a happy birthday !! Please accept my deepest apologies lol, I guess we’re both pretty forgetful ^^” With what time I have left of winter vacation, I will be sure to make you a gift, though <3
I've uncovered an art thief that some people are following. They're going by the name of @/MxskedMxsic. I've found two instances of stealing, both pieces which were taken from Twitter. They claimed to have made them recently, but these works have been up for years. Links are below. If you are following this person, please consider unfollowing or blocking them. I don't condone any harassment against them, but what everyone else chooses to do is out of my hands. Proof: https://twitter.com/kilometers/status/1192998091856723969?cxt=HHwWgoC2rbPcsI4hAAAA https://twitter.com/CoolKoinu/status/1399575643952537603
@Northern_Lightz alright that’s horrible! I hope that doesn’t happen again
Hi! Just wanted to say, you are the best artist ever and keep up the great work!!
@pixinhiding- Awe, thank you so much! I really appreciate it. I'll try to draw more in the future^^
Eyy saggitaurus sister- ots funny that your b day is exactly a moth after mine qwq
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