a side tidbit from Lost Souls (just made it up, and half asleep, oops)
Sitting upon the roof of a old house was the most beautiful thing to exist. With hair like Carmel dripping down an apple, to skin as pale as the fresh snow in winter. Upon the small male were the most beautiful wings to ever exist. Wings of a blue Jay, of a Stellar, with pools of blue that merged into black, and a sequence of aqua that dances upon the delicate feathers. The males eyes were black like a lambs wool, yet held great wisdom. The small boy stood, the vegetation swaying in the soft morning breeze, and the Carmel hair bouncing in the wind. Below him, in a pool of light, was a rose Bush, with a single rose, its petals starting to open to hug the light as the sun rested upon it. It was a beautiful morning.. and nothing could go wrong.