Good day/night (◍•ᴗ•◍). You may ignore this because This is just my opinion and thoughts. If this disturbs you, or makes you feel annoyed, then you can choose to ignore... ♀️♀️♀️ Have you ever? Watching your favourite anime is boring or doesn't feel like watching?. Because, i know— i know that Demon Slayer is on top and popular right now and they're heading towards their movies and final season. But, at 2023/2024 I find it not as exited as usual, I stop at sword mist village arc at episode 2 or 3... One of the reasons maybe... (๑•﹏•)☞ < Maybe it's because the fandom? (・–・;)ゞ Maybe yes?. Haha it's stupid but it's the truth. (๑•﹏•)☞ < Was it because back then many spoilers have been told until the ending? (・–・;)ゞ For that, yes. I did see the ending of it, that's how I know the whole story. I know— it's just something simple but I wanted to talk about it. And no, THAT DOESN'T MAKE ME STOP WRITING. The reason why I write because there's not enough of my ship in english (╥﹏╥). I love Demon Slayer it's an anime that accompanies me. But yeah the fandom the new arc and almost ending made me feel,— anxious or restless. I'm very sorry to waste your time reading my opinions and thoughts that I've been saved in my mind (。•́︿•̀。). Also I'm thankful for all the support, thank you, ( ◜‿◝ )♡.

@Shinobu4Ever6408 Yes! That's one of the reasons why. The knowing plot, the fandom, the restlessness. It makes me overthink— I think you're right about the 'burnt out because obsession' hopefully it will go eventually. Thank you for taking your time, tomorrow I'll if I'm ready I'll upload the new chapter. Arigatō (*´ω`*)

@NoryXV It’s totally fine! I’m interested in everything anyway :D and your opinions are important too! And to be honest, I agree. I have watched and read many many mangas and animes, more than I can count! And with demon slayer’s anime, I feel like because I have been a proud member of the fandom for a while now, spoilers and knowing the story so well to a point where I don’t watch it has been a regular feeling. To be honest, when you keep rereading and rewatching and especially when it’s your favourite story or anime so you think about it a lot, it seems like it starts to get boring. But since infinity castle is such an action packed arc, I bet when it comes out, no matter how well we know the story, we’ll be super entertained even after watching it over and over again! And yes, the fandom is an issue. To be honest, the really possessive people over the fandom make it seem uninteresting too. But it’s most likely you also might be burnt out because of the obsession which I can relate too. But regardless, I’m sure the feeling will go away eventually. After all, demon slayer is just too good to get old✨. And also don’t sweat it when you wanna say your thoughts! I’m always down to read them!

@gui0gu9 Well— it's a habit, and because I was scared and confused, I want to let all this thing out of my head but to where? Sometimes it's like a blade jab into your chest (you know what I mean..) . Sharing opinions is just, scary for me. But I do realise it's also best.. After I write this the burden on my shoulders feels like lighter (lol-) (*´ω`*) Thanks for answering the opinions and thoughts about your perspective. I appreciate and pleased (灬º‿º灬)♡. If you do want to share, feel free. Though I'll be a late reply but hey, It's always nice to talk about it. Stay safe too ( ◜‿◝ )♡