
heya, yeah i am still alive and well, just been busy and overall burned out with the Murder Drones stuff.
          	But eh, i am here mostly to say three thing.
          	Yes, Caution:Xeno is still being worked on i have not dropped it and probably won't anyways.
          	No, i am not rushing it, i will make sure to take as long as i see fit as i am trying to finish the whole s1 while trying to make it worthy of being read.
          	I may or may not start one or two other fanfics (not md related and most likely written in spanish) that will help me out to not get tired of writting the same, just in case anyone is interested.
          	Thanks for the attention, have a great day.


Hola, soy el fumado que hizo "Izuku: del Conocimiento al Entendimiento" e "Izuku: la Ciencia es la Respuesta". Recientemente he sacado dos cortos oficiales de ambas en mi lista de oneshots/fumadas bnha en el que detallo mecánicas del concepto del Void. Nomás si te sigue interesando eso y no lo has descartado como futura fuente de inspiración para historias propias como me dijiste hace años que tenías pensado hacer porque pues las opiniones cambian con el tiempo y eso.


@ rehciv651  puede ser, y con lo de robar ideas creo que es algo que todos han hecho xd


Siempre puedes robar conceptos e ideas de otras historias, e incluso de tus propios lectores cuando comentan. Yo lo hago a cada rato y no me va tan mal. Ahora mismo no voy muy corto de ideas, simplemente no me dan las neuronas para desarrollarlas (que se basen en teorías fumadas de minecraft no ayuda por eso). A lo mejor a ti te pasa eso.


@ rehciv651 buenas ^^ y claro obviamebte me siguen interesando, solo que últimamente como creo que es obvio, he estado demasiado ausente por cuestiones varias, y la historia aun sigue en etapa temprana por que ya pase por como 3 ideas y ninguna me gusto xd


heya, yeah i am still alive and well, just been busy and overall burned out with the Murder Drones stuff.
          But eh, i am here mostly to say three thing.
          Yes, Caution:Xeno is still being worked on i have not dropped it and probably won't anyways.
          No, i am not rushing it, i will make sure to take as long as i see fit as i am trying to finish the whole s1 while trying to make it worthy of being read.
          I may or may not start one or two other fanfics (not md related and most likely written in spanish) that will help me out to not get tired of writting the same, just in case anyone is interested.
          Thanks for the attention, have a great day.