
Happy fall festival to my hermittpad lads!


@NotADuckPerson (Happy Fall Festival to you too!)




@NotADuckPerson :O! Heya PM! And yeah, we are doing well >:D, we've revived the recap and are trying to revive the community! We've even got a sister account for the roleplays! (That's not finished yet because they're losers lol) @HermittpadRoleplay


             o_O , I’m doing  well btw!! Hope y’all are all doing well as well


Just the stalking account of irl PM to let know how people are doing, I won’t be talking on here and will be here very very rarely only ever to stalk, but I do be stalking <3


(S t a l k e r -)


((Oh, okay!!))


(Yes yes, continue to periodically stAlk—)


There’s a broski I really like, I’ve liked her since last year and all through summer. Now that I’m back in school she’s in multiple of my classes and we’re friends.
          Her smile just makes my heart jump, the cliche butterfly filling my. Best and face with warmth. Though she tends to just wear a gray sweat shirt, black skirt, black bow in her hair and tttaallll black and white socks she somehow still manages to be the most colorful thing in the room. Her eyes and a dark rich brown and her shy smile his so warm and soft you could faint. She always covers her mouth with her sleeve when she laughs and she constantly doodles small cat-frog things on her papers. She actually isn’t shy at all though, she’s bright and extroverted and used to constantly run up and hug her friends before COVID hit. She is endlessky kind and caring, helping out all her friends when she can.
          The other day we were talking about our fav colors, mine is salmon and she asked what shade of it so I pulled out the color pencil for it.
          I asked what her fav color is, she said yellow and so I asked what shade. She exclaimed “Mac and cheese” and we went on to gush about how good it tasted
          I made Mac and cheese today, it tasted so much better than normal


We Stan poop bean


just became a Stan account for memes tho-


//wait are you the person who used to have the strong duck as your profile pic?