Okay quick question people!
Who in the big wide world is stressed with being prepared for school that may or may not be starting in a few weeks? (And that goes for any type of school - elementary, middle, high, college - you are going to!)
No? Just me?
... I refuse to believe that...
But anyway! I have found (recently) an activity for people who are into writing - obsessed, wish to get better, already good, and making use of it, haven't written anything but have good ideas - that'll help strengthen the creativity to make their original stories. Me, being the type to write for fun, am all on board with this idea! Mostly because the process isn't as boring as I thought it would be. The writing technique used is, what I've been told, really old.
It's called "Paper Pigeon". - I'll explain later why it is called that. - So here is how it goes:
1 - Grab a pal or two (maybe more if its a group project or depending no the writing prompt you choose)
2 - Find or make some writing prompts; You and your partner(s) have to decide on one (I used Pinterest for this step, if you want to make your life easier)
3 - Then you start writing the story in chunks - chapters, short stories, parts of chapters - through letters/mail or emails (my partner and I are using chapters and emails)
4 - send the pieces of writing back and forth with one another until you both(all) believe you have finished the story or fulfilled the writing prompt (My partner and I agreed on a schedule that one of us will write and send the email on one weekend then talk and discuss during the week where we want this to go next. The next weekend, the other will write and send the next email, and the cycle restarts. It continues until we decided we finished)
"Paper Pigeon" is not its official name, I can guarantee that. The person who told me about this activity didn't know the name of it, so I kinda chimed in and said that it sounds like that myth about using birds to send messages.
That's all!
- G4