
Did you miss the latest chapter of Sympathy for the Devil?
          	Y/N X Ghost - Cardinal Copia & Nameless Ghouls


Hi gang! ❤️
          The closer I get to the end of Sympathy for the Devil, the more I'm over thinking and rewriting chapters. Please forgive me!
          The next chapter will basically be a CHONKY tour diary of sorts. To many lil moments to make chapters from so the whole chapter arch spans the entire tour - I hope that makes sense!


Hey gang, 
          Just an update on the next chapter, I've rewritten it about 3 times now. I'm having one of those sticky middle moments because I know where the story needs to end but there are a few loose threads. 
          Sorry for the delay, hopefully I'll be all done by the end of the week.


Sending love to all the Aether fans rn :(


@NotGreatNotTerrible It sucks, but I hope he and the others are just doing well tbh. And I hope the heat on Phantom cools off.. poor guy :(


I'm tempted to unpublish Magpie in the Moonlight because I see myself picking it back up anytime soon. Is it worse to unpublish or let people find it and wait indefinitely for an update?
          When I started writing Sympathy for the Devil, I thought it was going to be just a quick short few chapters (LOL) and paused on MITM. But now I'm coming towards the end of SFTD and I'm not 100% sure I'm excited to get back to my Moonknight fic :|.