Anyway real talk ugh who invented it anyway. Don't take all honors.....just never do that guys.....let alone double up on math courses......seriously if you do that you will die. Trust me I am living that right now and it is just ugh.
Anyway real talk ugh who invented it anyway. Don't take all honors.....just never do that guys.....let alone double up on math courses......seriously if you do that you will die. Trust me I am living that right now and it is just ugh.
Gahhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. School is seriously killing me. But Anyway my boyfriend is the best ever...he's all like "what do you want for Christmas" and I was like...."A giant teddy bear" and he was like seriously ready to go buy it.
Hon,I like you.You are very much myself. Unicorns foreverrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!*jumps on unicorn sipping tea.*I am not insane,I just have a little less sanity than you do.*laughing like a mad man*
@Sleepy_Luna I love how I finally just read this and realized I never replied anyway.... trust me tea/coffee party with all mythical beings and I am there