
hi. just passing by to say that I saw onenof your comments on my story and... you may not like the story. hahaha XD i just feel like it though. i don't know. XD if it gets too boring for you, you may stop reading. hahaha


@ ThatsMyDerp I like your story and I appreciate your effort on writing, I'm sorry if I looked like I disliked it, though.I didn't meant to be mean, but it happens to look like it, since I'm pretty blunt xD  #onlyAriesthings)
            I don't throw hate on stories I dislike, I just quit reading them, and rant about them mentally xD
            Again, sorry for the misunderstanding, keep on writing good stuff, and don't listen to the haters (I'm assuming you do have haters, don't you?).


Oi, senpai... Watt mi-a șters contul.
          Dar kouhai a revenit! :D


@ Pingu-chan Dar fanii iti stiu noul cont? Spune-i lui Saby sa le zica celorlalti de noul cont.Ma gandesc ca aveti multi fani "in comun", daca stii ce zic.


@NotNotNotX O iau de la capăt... *oftează* Putri-chan și Sabs au zis că mă ajută cu refacerea. O să am mult mai puține cărți, dar asta e.


@ Pingu-chan Asta inseamna ca cineva ti-a dat raport cu motivul ca ai mai putin de 13 ani.Pe WP trebuie sa ai cel putin 13, iar pentru ca ai recunoscut ca ai 12 ani te-ai dat singura de gol.Ce o sa faci in cu fanii si cartile?