
I was going through my reading lists by chance (again) and... dang. I had a “Marvel & DC” one even tho I have ZERO DC STORIES - in the Library, in mind, in people I follow lists’, in the folder; long story short (‘cause it was super duper long, uh-uh) I changed the name to “Marvel Cinematic Universe”.
          	Welp, that’s about it then, have a merry night folks ✨


Update — even if mostly for myself — I have deleted the list altogether and kept the one story I remembered in the miscellaneous “+” reading list. Said story wasn’t even remotely connected to the MCU, it just had a pretty important cast member atm as the main lead >:)


I was going through my reading lists by chance (again) and... dang. I had a “Marvel & DC” one even tho I have ZERO DC STORIES - in the Library, in mind, in people I follow lists’, in the folder; long story short (‘cause it was super duper long, uh-uh) I changed the name to “Marvel Cinematic Universe”.
          Welp, that’s about it then, have a merry night folks ✨


Update — even if mostly for myself — I have deleted the list altogether and kept the one story I remembered in the miscellaneous “+” reading list. Said story wasn’t even remotely connected to the MCU, it just had a pretty important cast member atm as the main lead >:)


•There's no turning back after you start reading this. Trust me, This will put a smile on your face. Every night someone thinks about you. At least 15 people in this world love you. The only reason someone whatever hate it was because they want to be you. There are two types of people in this world, that are which for you, and that are against you.•
          [You mean the world is someone. someone you don't even know loves you. Anytime you make a mistake, good comes out of it. Whenever you think the world has turned against you, turn around. Remember the compliments someone has given you and not the rude things.]
          ☺So if your a loving friend, send this to 15 people, (including the one who sent you it :D) Something good will happen between noon and 4 pm tomorrow, it could be anywhere. Get ready for the biggest shock of your life. Send this to 15 people, make someone's day! help someone out! Remember that you are loved. ☺
          F-ight for you
          R-espect you
          E-ncourage you
          N-eed you
          D-eserve you
          S-ave you
          {If you get 4 back your like, of you get 7 back your loved, and if you get 15 back your amazing!}
          ✳You may be going through tough times but always remember that there's someone to lean on and trust during these times. You are you! Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise*


aww, thank you! ♥️♥️
            now, now,
            how do i freacking copy and paste this?


Heeey!! Just wanna share that I'm rewriting my old fic called "Battle Cry" from my old acc: @fanficreader26 and I thought u might wanna read it. <3


Yeees! Thank you! I loved it and I can’t to re-read it with your enhancements 
            Have a wonderful morning! (or day or whatever the case is for you) ✨✨


Do you ever find a story that you cringe-read?
          As in, the story itself is quite good but the layout is /terrible/ and you’re dying for a new paragraph. On your knees, hot tears streaming, begging the author to press Enter when writing.
          Ooooor it’s the other way around: it looks wonderful and if it were a paper letter, it would smell like rose parfume. But /on the inside/, let’s just say that things are different.
          So when I find good content (AND GRAMMAR, PRAISE THE LORD!) aaand a decent layout, I’m like, dang, ready to party! I just found my new obsession.
          Anyone else feel that or just me?


Uuuuu. That title says it all. I’ll check it out!


            // Yes. Shrek x Bread is one of my favourite examples of this. 


I just checked my library status and it says 528 books. O-O. Just on Wattpad.
          ...this summer better be loooong!


Less than 120 just from having sorted them more thoroughly  — and I have barely had the time to be on Wattpad the past year, so I’m pleased with any progress


138 and going downwards!! 


It’s down to 285!!


Hi, guys!
          I just wanted to mention that I am not an account that takes reading requests all day long—I have my own bucket list for reading, so please don’t get offended if I reply to yours after a lengthy period of time or even decline it.
          I hope I do not come off as rude, I am merely telling you that I’ll check out whatever and if the description/ theme/ prologue doesn’t thrill me, I probably won’t continue reading.
          (My friend already has me as their fanfic review guy so I read as much as I can at the moment.)
          Thank you for understanding!
          - Sara


...and I am a student, so I have to read whatever is relevant to my expertise first. Or my teachers will kill me. (How come I forgot to mention that? *facepalm*)


I LOVE THE HUNGER GAMES!!!!! Who's your favorite character? Did you cry when rue died?


What’s your favourite one? Uuuh, or which book? That’s a good one


Yee! I’m always glad to meet another HG enthusiast! I’ve just finished reading the actual books last week and man, the feeling are all over the place! I think my favourite character might be either Peeta ooor Haymitch, and I was so close to tearing
             up when Rue passed away but I was on the subway so I stayed strong