
HEY PEOPLE! DON'T WORRY I'M NOT THAT TAYLOR BITCH! I couldn't delete the account because I'm going to re-make this for my cousin cuz she wants one and it'll be easier!


I know, it made me so mad she did that! but seriously her passsword was luvniallhoran xD she did it for attention!!


Thankyou, he doesn't deserve hate


HEY PEOPLE! DON'T WORRY I'M NOT THAT TAYLOR BITCH! I couldn't delete the account because I'm going to re-make this for my cousin cuz she wants one and it'll be easier!


I know, it made me so mad she did that! but seriously her passsword was luvniallhoran xD she did it for attention!!


Thankyou, he doesn't deserve hate


this message may be offensive
And you think your any better. Even if Niall were all these things he could change every single one if them. will forever be a terriable person. You cant change that no matter what you do. I don't even know why your doing this knowing good and damn well we were going to defend Niall all the way through the end. If you think all these things about Niall then you obviously don't know him. Niall is sweet and one of the cutest thingss i have ever saw. The terrible truth for you is that he couldn't give a fuck about what you say. Hes got millions of people who love him and would do anything for him. 


And also, Niall's not stupid. But truthfully, sorry, but the stupid one is you love. Because you're the one who created this account and hated on Niall anyways... Just to get attention. Love, just keep your comments to yourself.x


And also Niall is hot. Okay? I know that he may not seem like the sexiest person on earth but...WHO  CARES?!? Seriously. Love Niall for WHO he is. Not WHAT he is or LOOKS like. He's not fat. okay?! So stop. If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all. Nobody deserves this. Not even you. Okay?! So I'm not trying to be mean or anything but you need to stop. And to the others helping Njall, you guys are sweet, but stop. It may not seem like it but I know its hurting the creator of this account too. I mean, you all are cussing her out too. But cussing people out isn't the freaking answer.


Okay I love Niall but really why threaten her I mean com on guys sure u don't want Niall to get hate but come on why threaten and swear in some one else. And u have to admit there r some haters. Now if they even hate Niall they should keep there hate to themselves! Don't think that I hate Niall cause I love him but just don't threaten the girl


no, her parents probably left her because they realized how much of a BITCH she is, her mom's abortion didn't work(;