Greetings, my beloved internet strangers, In view of the fact that some of you have inquired about the progress of my stories, I wanted to share my priority list at the moment: 1) [Secret Project] 2) Power Girl Volume 3 3-Under Hope’s Charm 4-[Secret Project] 5-Terraria: The Novelization 6-A Back-Alley Doctor’s Journal 7-MGSV: The Quiet Venom None of these stories are cancelled (not even MGSV: TQV), but as you may know, I only write during my scarce free time and not on a fixed schedule, and therefore updates may take a long while. I appreciate your patience and apologize for any delay. Have a wondrous day. Oh, and make sure to check them out. -(Maybe)Stylelike
@user76545488 Not soon, but I’ll be sure to deliver them in the best quality possible