
You should've killed me when you had the chance.


Last night we talked it over,
          We have decided to end all that we had
          Though we were not quite sure what it was
          We settled it anyway.
          I believe in the fact that it was for the best
          Even if I don't feel any good at all.
          The decision was cruel, yes.
          But we agreed to it anyway.
          We never had the chance to prove anything,
          Situation dictates we can't.
          So maybe I'd start my 'today' as a dream
          A dream where we can still be friends
          A dream where we can talk freely without others judgment of something else.
          I'll runaway from reality.
          For in my 18 years now that's what I do best.


I want you
          I want you to hold me kiss me caress my hair touch my cheeks look me in the eyes...
          I want intense. I want risk.
          I want you to be with me.
          I want us to experience the unknown
          Be beautifully broken and help each other find the pieces.
          I want to live each moment
          Be reckless and stupid
          Make each other's heart race till we gasp for air...
          I want you to be there for it is where I found you...
          I dont want to forget.