
          	The best book I have ever read would be 'Property of a Gordon'. I highly recommend this book, it is amazing. It keeps you interested and isn't really like the normal cliche werewolf books.


@NotYourOrdinaryWolf Only if you want to. Thanks for being so nice and actually responding back. Not a lot of people would do that. And thanks, I wasn't sure if it was offending. I am just very upset someone would do that.


@notyourordinarywolf I read it through email! I'll be reply later to it though, not right now. I just want you to know you offended me in no way and have nothing to apologize for. It was a really sweet message! I promise I'll reply to it haha


@NotYourOrdinaryWolf Thanks for taking time out of your day to read this! And your story was more than amazing. I also left a comment on the sample. I am so sad that something like that happened. If you have time, you can read that comment too. I apologize for some of the things said in it though. And don't worry about it, the comment may be old but it's contents sure aren't.


          The best book I have ever read would be 'Property of a Gordon'. I highly recommend this book, it is amazing. It keeps you interested and isn't really like the normal cliche werewolf books.


@NotYourOrdinaryWolf Only if you want to. Thanks for being so nice and actually responding back. Not a lot of people would do that. And thanks, I wasn't sure if it was offending. I am just very upset someone would do that.


@notyourordinarywolf I read it through email! I'll be reply later to it though, not right now. I just want you to know you offended me in no way and have nothing to apologize for. It was a really sweet message! I promise I'll reply to it haha


@NotYourOrdinaryWolf Thanks for taking time out of your day to read this! And your story was more than amazing. I also left a comment on the sample. I am so sad that something like that happened. If you have time, you can read that comment too. I apologize for some of the things said in it though. And don't worry about it, the comment may be old but it's contents sure aren't.


Sky: Hey everyone, it's the most amazing, awesome, coolest, fastest, sexiest, funniest, umm....what was I on about again?
          Nicole: Well, you were trying to say it was you but you kinda got-
          Sky: AWESOME! Ha Ha I know. But hun I already was! Aaaanyhoe. It's me! Sky here! just letting you have a break from boring ol Nicole here
          Nicole: HEY! 
          Sky: Oh fine! Don't fight like vampires and wolves!! 
          Nicole: Your not funny...
          Sky: Whatevs, bitches these days be jelly of my amazing skittles.
          Nicole: Oh god.
          Sky: So, HOWL y'all doin?
          Everyone reading this: ...
          Sky: See what I did there?? Wolves howl. I'm a wolf!
          Nicole: Your bad at this.
          Sky hands a bag of fertilizer to Nicole.
          Nicole: Whats this?
          Sky: It's something to help you grow up.
          Everyone reading this: Oooooo. Burnn!!!
          Nicole laughs hysterically, transforms into a potato, and rolls away into the sun set.
          Sky: Sooo.... I know your dying to hear another one on my amazing jokes so.....
          Drummer: Da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da...
          Sky: Thanks for the drum roll.
          Sky winks at the drummer before going on with her joke.
          Sky: So, a man in a movie theater notices what looks like a wolf sitting next to him. "Are you a wolf?" asked the man, surprised. "Yes." "What are you doing at the movies?" The wolf replied, "Well, I liked the book."
          Sky: Wasnt that.....PAWTASTIC? Ahahahahhahahahaha!!!