The best book I have ever read would be 'Property of a Gordon'. I highly recommend this book, it is amazing. It keeps you interested and isn't really like the normal cliche werewolf books.

@NotYourOrdinaryWolf Only if you want to. Thanks for being so nice and actually responding back. Not a lot of people would do that. And thanks, I wasn't sure if it was offending. I am just very upset someone would do that.

@notyourordinarywolf I read it through email! I'll be reply later to it though, not right now. I just want you to know you offended me in no way and have nothing to apologize for. It was a really sweet message! I promise I'll reply to it haha

@NotYourOrdinaryWolf Thanks for taking time out of your day to read this! And your story was more than amazing. I also left a comment on the sample. I am so sad that something like that happened. If you have time, you can read that comment too. I apologize for some of the things said in it though. And don't worry about it, the comment may be old but it's contents sure aren't.