
Ok, so I went a bit on a streak and the next 2 parts of Sparkling Star are finished. 
          	Issue, part 11 is 3000 words and 12 is 4222 words.
          	Hope that won't be an issue.


this message may be offensive
My writing structure is basically
          -Name chapter
          -Write based on the chapter name
          -Add Car Term Dictionary
          -Fix all grammar errors and add details
          It's a mess but I've managed to squeeze 6 chapters outta my beginner writer brain.
          I'd like lots of feedback on this since it's my first story I'm actually putting the effort into. It would help further improve the quality. Try not being an elitist asshole about it and point it out plainly as to not confuse me. 
          Hope I can write chapter 7 at some point.


The following are the titles for the next chapters of Sparkling Star
          4 - Unforgettable Moment, Sparking Feeling
          5 - Daily Struggle, Sparkling Reprieve
          6 - The Downhill Battle, Sparkling Conclusion
          7 - Reputation Revealed, Sparkling Answer 


Chapter 1 of Sparkling Star was rewritten almost from the ground up, it's getting updated


@NotYourRuby Well I really like your kasumi book so yeah


@KuroganeTakasaki didn't know anyone was awaiting my return lol