
I’m feeling guilty rn. It’s one of those days where it takes everything I have to do something as simple as making a sandwich. I’m 25 now, this shouldn’t be as hard as it is, even with depression, GAD, and ASD, but I literally couldn’t shower when I told myself I would this morning and it took all afternoon just to motivate middle to get in before I finally got in at like 3:30 something. I had to ask my parents for help cooking for myself again and they were tired too, then reminded me I’m 25 now and I need to do these things for myself, so I tried to take it back and tell them it was okay and that I could just drink a smoothie, but mom still insisted. She told me she didn’t mean to make me feel bad, but I likely would have felt bad anyways because I already feel like crap about this and it’s not a matter of the person who brings it up but the subject itself. I was finally making progress too. The healing process is taking its sweet time and I’m getting impatient.


I know how you feel, thats why you should take all the Time you need.
          No one is rushing you, and to write should make Fun, it shouldnt be a must.
          Important are you and your healthy now, so focus at that, and get well soon again.


Friends are here for that my dear, even we just met.
            just get well soon again, and whenever you like to talk, you know where to find me. :)


Thank you. That means a lot to me.


I’m feeling guilty rn. It’s one of those days where it takes everything I have to do something as simple as making a sandwich. I’m 25 now, this shouldn’t be as hard as it is, even with depression, GAD, and ASD, but I literally couldn’t shower when I told myself I would this morning and it took all afternoon just to motivate middle to get in before I finally got in at like 3:30 something. I had to ask my parents for help cooking for myself again and they were tired too, then reminded me I’m 25 now and I need to do these things for myself, so I tried to take it back and tell them it was okay and that I could just drink a smoothie, but mom still insisted. She told me she didn’t mean to make me feel bad, but I likely would have felt bad anyways because I already feel like crap about this and it’s not a matter of the person who brings it up but the subject itself. I was finally making progress too. The healing process is taking its sweet time and I’m getting impatient.


Winnie just hissed at Willow and caught a mouse and Eddie bit Willow on the throat moments earlier. What is this, bully Willow day? Bad kitties, they know better than to bully Willow, but good on Winnie for catching a mouse.


@bish_In_Glasses Ikr? Eddie and Winnie are due for a vet appointment, as this behavior towards Willow seems to be abnormal, so maybe the vet can help us figure out what’s going on. I know lions bite lionesses on the neck when mating, but Eddie’s not a lion. He’s related to them and thinks he’s the king/big boss around here, but I don’t think that was a mating behavior since he and the other cats are spayed/neutered. Maybe it was a show of dominance, but that’s the only thing I can think of and we need to find ways for him to assert his dominance that don’t involve biting his sisters on the neck.


(Twisted Secrets/Fathoms Below AU): When you thought that you knew the one you loved only to realize that he’s still in there but he’s on the brink of overblot and there’s only one way to save him in time…
          TW: poisoning, mürdër-süïcïde attempt
          Inspired by Bucky’s song and Lunaiira by Morgan Clae


          Marian, after overhearing Vil plotting to curse Neige: *hypervenilates* (Internally: Reliving the scars that do not show…cause the sound of his voice became my home…) 


Marian, eyes widening as she sees that the crystal on his wand is covered in blot: *realizes the Vil she knows and loves is still in there* *ducks and hides as Vil storms out of his room before he can see her, realizing what she has to do to save him, rushing after him immediately knowing it’ll be too late if she doesn’t make it in time* (Internally: But I knew him, I knew him, I knew him, I knew him.) *Sees one of the entrances to the stage, where Vil stood with her long before the VDC and spoke to her of his dreams* (Internally: He stood right there, and he knew me, he knew me, he knew me, he knew me. Oh, the way he stared.) *Sees Azul, her long-lost family she didn’t know she had before and hugs him tight like she’s saying goodbye* (Internally: He told me a story, his eyes singing poetry dawning the start of my thoughts being lovely. I knew him, I knew him, I knew him, I knew him!) *sees Guinevere and smooches her passionately like it’s the last time she’ll ever see the woman she loves as much as she loves Vil before arriving just in the nick of time, panting* There you are, Vil. There’s been an incident that needs your attention, stat. It’s an emergency. Oh Sevens, I’m parched. *snatches the cursed apple juice from Neige before he can drink it and tries to force it all down her throat after seeing there’s no way to safely dispose of the liquid that involves drying it up, but doesn’t last two seconds before she starts choking, clutching her throat as she drops the bottle, the glass shattering on the ground* *collapses to the ground, lifeless*
            Azul, who arrived on the scene with Rook: *screams* Marian!
            @InnaTheArtist @Artistic-Princess


It’s been awhile since I last posted something, but here we go.
          I found this petition and I think it’s important.

          I also found a list of ethical alternatives to brands that are complicit in the genocide in Palestine.

          Also, as we support the people of Palestine, don’t forget the millions of others around the world who are suffering as the victims of genocide as well.







          I will add more to this later.


@bish_In_Glasses No problem. It needed to be said.


@Not_Tireless_158 thank you so much for sharing that


Sup. Tumblr booted me from my account for no reason.


There you are. I didn’t see your account at first.


I’ll check mine then.

          I’m not sure why Wattpad is choosing to get rid of PMs, but it would affect millions of people worldwide if they did this. I’m not saying I don’t respect this decision, but I am saying disagree with it and don’t understand why it needs to be made, but I’d like to understand and I ask that Wattpad reconsider their decision so we as a community can brainstorm and find an ideal alternative to this that would be more efficient concerning whatever reason they are choosing to remove PMs but one that would still allow users to communicate and connect privately.


Well, now I know, apparently the majority doesn’t use it, but Wattpad has over 90 million users, and I think enough people use it to the point where it would still have a negative impact, so I think it would be best to make PMs optional and something you can turn on and off when it comes to other users who aren’t Wattpad affiliated.


I also have an Instagram, a Facebook, and a discord, but my Facebook and discord are private due to trauma and my instagram has my immediate family following me, so they might make it weird if you follow me there.


If this doesn’t work out: here are my other social media accounts
            I will add more to this post and post the links in my bio.


When the so-called villains turn out to be antiheroes get the help they need, win the day, and end up living happily ever after for the rest of their lives (Fathoms Below AU, Twisted Wonderland, Chapter 7/Post Chapter 7):
          To the surprise of the d*mn old senators of Briar Valley, at least to the surprise of the toxic ones, the old ways have slowly but surely begun to either change or get updated to be more in line with the times by the non-toxic and less toxic members of the senate, and there’s little they can do to change it despite the old age of Maleficent and Mushu. Everyone was gathered at Maleficent’s castle to celebrate, however, as Malleus was going to announce his intendeds to the court. 


@Artistic-Princess Vil was laughing as both eagerly dragged him along. "Woah! Slow down, sweet potatoes, you'll rip my arms off!" "I'm sorry, but this is too exciting!" Marian seemed more chipper than usual today.


            Meanwhile, Neige, Eli, Eric Venue, and The Treins were helping Mason and Marian to prepare a special surprise for Vil Schoenheit in the garden.


            The tall human, Malik, smiled at that. “Indeed, but you want to know where they can shove that kind of attitude?” As Malik said this, he stuck his tongue out at the toxic members of the senate and then suddenly chuckled as he saw Merryweather and her daughter, Primrose, changing the color of his outfit repeatedly. Merryweather wanted it blue. Primrose was telling her to leave it the way it was. Eventually, Merryweather conceded and hugged her daughter as the choirs begun to sing a familiar song: Once Upon a Dream.