sO i sEE yOu HaVE sTuMBlED AcrOSs My HuMBlE pAgE ANd WaNT tO KnOw MORE AbOut ThE LovEly mE!
AnTi-sOciaL, GeEky aNd aWkwArd. i SpOntaneoUsly cOmBUst wHEn ExCited oR ScARed. StrOng BElievEr oF RanDOm cApTalizATioN, bUt woN'T dO It In bOoKS BeCaUSe i'M a hiPStEr nOT saTAN. dOn'T REad SeQueLS DOn'T wRItE ThEm EithEr, BeCAuSE WhEn A bOOk EnDS ThE ChAraCTerS diE. (ApARt FrOM HarRy poTtER Or THe HunGER GaMeS.)
i Am wAY cOolEr on tHe InTernet...liES!
aNd iF YoU diDN't UNDerStanD ThOsE tWo BoOK REFeRenCEs ThEN wE Are No lONgEr FRIeNdS.
  • yOU'rE Not AllOwEd To KNow THe LoCaTIOn Of mY LaIR
  • JoinedAugust 29, 2014


Last Message
Nothing_To_You Nothing_To_You Apr 15, 2015 11:41AM
Too many thoughts never finished a story but I'm trying and will get there . . . eventually.
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Stories by Nothing_To_You
Insanity, Alice. by Nothing_To_You
Insanity, Alice.
Not much to it. A story written out of boredom, and posted out of boredom. A short story like seriously shor...
20 (not so) Productive Ways To Fix A Broken Heart by Nothing_To_You
20 (not so) Productive Ways To Fix...
Well what does one, say one should do when one walks in on their boyfriend for two years getting it on with t...
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