I genuinely think there aren't enough Scott McCall fics going on around here. So I was thinking: what if I make one myself? And also, it would be my first! I have had ideas running around my head since 2022 and I think I'll write a fic if I have the energy, and if I have potential readers. And I was thinking I'd do a super slow burn, like it would take a long time for them to start a relationship, because otherwise my plans wouldn't work. And also, English is not my first language. And I'm not Californian, so I wouldn't know everything Cali-specific things the show has. And I also would be using headcanons I have about certain characters, maybe bring them from other series if I get obsessions (Crossovers?). There would be changes to the timeline and custom storylines etc. Sorry if I rambled, but this is what I was planning. Tell me suggestions, ask me questions, etc.