
“People overestimate what they can do in a single day. And underestimate
          	what they can do in their whole lives.”


We were walking without looking for each other, but, we knew that we were walking to find each other. "
          Do not feed the trolls
          The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
           Hufflepuff- “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if only one remembers to turn on the light” – Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
          Ravenclaw-  “Words are in my not-so-humble opinion, the most inexhaustible form of magic we have, capable both of inflicting injury and remedying it.” ― Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
          Gryffindor- “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”- Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone


Structure your behavior in order to achieve a happier and calmer daily life with reduced levels of stress.
          Then nights you fight best are when all the weapons are pointed at you, when all the voices hurl their insults, while the dream is being strangled. the nights you fight best are on night like this as you chase thousands dark rats from your brain , as you rise up against the impossible , as you become a brother  to the tender sister of joy and move on … regardless .
          To get out from your comfort zone is the scariest thing you could possibly do. to jump not knowing what’s beneath you, go into the dark with nothing to light the way but your faith in Allah … at the end there’s no solid ground and you just need to take risks in order to achieve your goals … you may loose and start all over from scratch and you may win and forget about the troubles you have ever faced.. Is courageous... being strong... be who you really want to be because life is short.
          And between what we expect and what happens there is a big gap.
          A gap that swallows whatever we should feel at those moments. 
          And no matter how someone told us to lower our expectations, it never happens.
          I won't tell you not to expect because I do.
          But let's all believe that it's not always what we want to read. 
          Some chapters don't end the way we want them to.
          But at the end we still read it till the end.


You are not your worry; rather worrying is something you do. Worry is a behavior that can influence and control like any other behavior .by seeing the concern as a behavior; you can find new ways to observe it to deem what causes it and then manage it.
          Let's start with a classic example: “Do not think of a pink elephant”. When you hear this you will most likely visualize a pink elephant. Our brain can never stop thinking, but it also can’t think several thoughts simultaneously (which is why we are so bad at multitasking) – and we can take advantage of this fact. By thinking with full focus on the worrying thoughts (yes, you are supposed to think those pesky thoughts), you will perform a so-called incompatible behavior. Which means you can’t fall back on the comforting thoughts. So now you expose yourself to the worrying thoughts instead of avoiding them.
          Thoughts of comfort are the opposite of uneasiness. They soothe, reassure and give clarity – they lower the temporary uneasiness.
          By realizing worry is something you yourself do, you can learn to control and manage it .if you perceive worry as a state of being, and then it will control and manage you.
          It is true when they say envy bring the worst in you.
          The best thing to rid you of the feeling that too many things are going on at once is simply to filter out a few things. You can do this easily by writing down your thoughts.


But dreams come slow and they go so fast.
          We sleep under the stars, deep in your dreams you whispered a name that wasn’t mine.
          I want to fly can you take me far away. Give me a star to reach for. Tell me what it takes and I will go so high. I’ll go so high; my feet won’t touch the ground. Stitch my wings and pull the stings. I bought these dreams that all fall apart …
          On a red road tuning to the heart beat, this is where we meet.
          After all this time I come to realize we’re all just trying to get home. Sometimes it’s a poem or a painting that compels you to feel like you and the universe are finally one, moving in unison towards the wander you were always meant to be.
          Does it take courage to learn how to cry?
          Often time we generalize; it isn’t because we’re praying.
          Out of sight, out of mind.
          Travel broadens the mind.
          East, wet home‘s best.
          When the cat is a way the mice will play.
          Sticks and stone can break your bones, why would you build a wall out of them?
          “Life is the sum of your choices” –Albert Camus 
          We are wolves in sheep’s clothing, to mingle in the society...
          They can’t see the wood for they are trees.
          We use the worry to try and solve problems or deal with threatening or dangerous situations, but unfortunately it does not work because the worrying only deals with the problem in our minds.


We often want it so badly that we ruin it before it begins.
          Travel and tell no one, live a true love story and tell no one. People ruin beautiful things.
          Some silence is loud.
          How ironic that the greatest act of strength is to show weakness.
          Allah is one. Is he one in our life?
          On est bien peu de chose et mon amie la rose me l’a dit ce matin.
          We’re lying on the moon. It’s a perfect afternoon. Your shadow follows me all day, making sure that I am okay and we’re million miles away.
          But dreams come slow and they go so fast.


“Reflect upon your blessings, of which everyone has plenty, not
          on your past misfortunes, of which everyone has some.”
          “A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success.”Joyce Brothers


“Happiness is a way of travel. Not a destination.”
          “Don't let the mistakes and disappointments of the past control and direct your future.”
          “Be who you were created to be, and you will set the world on fire.” St. Catherine of Siena