
I'm buying the things for university and I want to die so much just at the thought of how much I will need to spend , I just bought a Mac(computer) of 899€ for one of my courses  , and the books for two courses combined cost at least 471€ and I need to see the books for the other two courses , and then the materials that are probably the least expensive because they are normal things 


I'm buying the things for university and I want to die so much just at the thought of how much I will need to spend , I just bought a Mac(computer) of 899€ for one of my courses  , and the books for two courses combined cost at least 471€ and I need to see the books for the other two courses , and then the materials that are probably the least expensive because they are normal things 


I got into university but I continue to get comments about being careful and paying attention and that I'm on my own now and I know it's said with good intentions but It's not helping 
          If I didn't have anxiety before then now I'm near to having an attack (not really but I'm pretty anxious)


For who is interested I have an Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr named as FloretSkyBright 
          I also post things on my Tumblr about the new fandom I got interested in , check it out if you're interested and I also write there 


I will do three months of therapy for my right kneecap because it's out of place


@ Luminositymoon  Thank you , and it's not as painful or troublesome as it sounds most of the time , only when I get a sprain or that one time it dislocated , and at least now I'm doing something about it 


            Darn, hope it gets better that sounds so painful- I hate when parents do that, like obviously you're in pain you're not gonna make it up that your knee is out of place- that has to require immediate medical attention, that could be so dangerous for you
            Take care of yourself, okay?


@ Luminositymoon  I always had this problem with sprains in my right legs and since I was a kid I told my parents about it and that my kneecap looks obviously out of place, they neglected it until it would become a problem 
            Long story short I got a bad sprain that didn't make me walk for a few days , got check ups and the confirmation that my kneecap is out of place and that I need phisical therapy
            At least I could say I told you so to my parents 


I finally meet up with my elementary teacher
          I wasn't very nice to her when I was little and I wanted to meet her for a long time because I felt guilty about it
          It was a very sweet reunion and it also gave me peace of mind


It's official my dog isn't a dog but a cat 
          I'm drawing on my desk and he had to scratch me so he could jump on my legs , why don't you go somewhere else , am I so comfy?
          Now he's on my legs and I'm trying to draw on my tablet with him on top of me 


Right now he's on a chair under the table we use to eat , he can do it because he's small


@ Virus_bOi  I don't doubt it , you wouldn't believe the places he hides in or gets on with the attitude of "it's my place peasant" 


            cat isekai into the body of a dog