
Been a while.
          	I know that there's now only one story up on here; I'm not entirely sure if I'm gonna dabble in writing here, or if I'm gonna stick to Ao3. I could publish some of the stuff I have over there on here, but... I dunno. I'm debating it.
          	I will say that if you'd like to read some of the stuff I write, I'm InkedSpades93 on Ao3. Got it in my bio now too.
          	I hope the day is well for y'all.


Been a while.
          I know that there's now only one story up on here; I'm not entirely sure if I'm gonna dabble in writing here, or if I'm gonna stick to Ao3. I could publish some of the stuff I have over there on here, but... I dunno. I'm debating it.
          I will say that if you'd like to read some of the stuff I write, I'm InkedSpades93 on Ao3. Got it in my bio now too.
          I hope the day is well for y'all.


Apologies for my brevity earlier, I see using this conversation section as a good way to get some of the cluttered thoughts out of my head. Thus, I have an alarm to remind myself to clear said thoughts and be ready for a day of school.
          I was reading when the alarm went off.
          Thus, one-word passive-aggressive comment saying I was reading.
          In another thought, I believe I have made more friends. Somewhat odd almost- at least, when you're a kid who's lived in places that you literally and figuratively have to fight to so much as gain two or three friends. Even then they don't last. So it's odd and comforting to see that I have made a lot of friends in the past couple months I've been here at school.
          Though that isn't to say that I'm not afraid of losing contact. I very well could if we leave this place.


Not sure what I'm trying to do here. Write something? Hope for an answer? I'm not entirely sure.
          But if you're reading this, I wish you well.
          I'm not leaving, pff. Nah. We'll see how things pan out here.
          I just find myself rereading things so often that I can just guess that someone will wander along and find this.


You know, I've always liked the rain.
          It's comforting. As it falls on tin roofs, pattering against the metal, waves crashing down against the roof and ground when there's a downpour. Thunder that shakes the house. Lightning that strikes the dark sky.
          Especially when it's in the woods. Pattering against leaves. Cold droplets that roll off the branches and down onto your head. Reminding you that even when you stand there, silent, begging for signs from the gods that you can understand- even then, you are loved. You are there. You are present and nothing can ever stop you.
          A comforting thought indeed.