Imma be real everyone, my writing phase has mostly passed. I might pop up again every other month with a single chapter written in a day and I know that really ain't enough of an update for the amount of books that I've buried myself with.
I've been writing on wattpad for like 6, almost 7 years now across a few profiles. And I have never finished a book.
So I may update them in future when I have a writing urge for a certain story but I give permission to any writers to re-write or continue my stories themselves, not quitting but I ain't sticking around this hobby either.
If you want to it'd be awesome of you to sub over on my youtube that I've tried to get back into, it's mostly gaming based and it's up to you if you wanna support it but it's just what I've began to put my effort into.
Here's the link :
Again, I apologize if I've promised to update in past but I honestly don't have the creativity for writing these stories anymore.
PS. You guys are fantastic for sticking around for my stories for so long, it's been awesome reading the comments and seeing the funny little convos my words have created, love you all.
PPS. This sounds too final, just reiterating that I am not dying/all out quitting or passing the account over. Just filling yall in.