
Capitol loss, love was the law and religion was taught


To my dearest League of Villains:
          Magne, I'm slowly discovering myself.
          Compress, I'm letting my inner humor come out lol
          Kurogiri, I'm becoming more responsible.
          Spinner, I've found some new games to enjoy
          Twice, I'm trying to be myself more
          Toga, I'm starting my Senior year tomorrow.
          Dabi, I'm turning 18 next year, which is insane
          Tomura, I'm loving myself as much as I can
          I wish I could grow alongside you all, so, so much. I'll always miss, love, and cherish you all. I will never move on or forget you <3


this message may be offensive
Y'ALL CHECK OUT THE EMO BAND 'no reason to care' - THEYRE FUCKING AWESOME!!! I've been following them for a bit now, and they're hella awesome. Underrated and not very popular yet, YET.