
Yeah, let me figure out how to edit it.


So...... Hey! I wrote a bunch of random scenes and crap and I'd like you and Avery to help me with them by reading/editing and stuff. :) Oh, and the Cultural Celebration was AMAZING. (I'm sure Avery's told you all about that...?)


I actually just made a new board dedicated to everything that was a scene/dialogue inspiration for Hybrids.... So yeah. I'm most likely going to rewrite most of it (what I have so far is basically outlining what the plot will most likely be, if that makes sense....).... Don't worry, it'll probably be almost the same, I just wanted to add/remove/change some stuff, and I want to make it longer. It's going to be SO AWESOME!!!! *insert high-pitched squeal and rapid jumping up and down, as you stare awkwardly and look rather confused*


Um..... If you need writing inspiration I have like 2-ish/3-ish boards just for that on Pinterest, they could help..... Just go to Pinterest, search for Macady Watson, I should come up first? (If you'd rather look somewhere else you could google story inspiration, character inspiration, etc. Or you can look at quotes and stuff, those can really help..... Just message me if you'd like something more specific (like if you actually want an idea, not places to help you get ideas)


So you do know Avery. She has told me about you and 2 Laurens, and Maggie,and andrea, and cole, and olivia, and....... never mind. I will text her and tell her I know you now, too. So can I help you out any farther?


Yep.... Maggie's her best friend, (we basically split up all the kids with the same name and say Lauryn's Jacob,,my Jacob, Olivia's Jacob, etc, cause we all have a brother named Jacob, if that makes any sense.....) she's just getting to know my Lauryn, the other Lauren both of us are just getting to know, and everybody else is just her friend. From what I know, at least..... Sorry if this doesn't make sense.


:) You can always help. By the way, I have looked EVERYWHERE and I can't find a good quiz website.I liked quizilla, but they're shutting down on like october 1. :( Do you know of any good ones?