
Hey y’all, just a quick little notice that if you look at some of my stories you’ll notice that either the title or the cover, or both have been changed. Don’t worry the story is still the same, I just got bored and wanted to spruce it up.


No I’m just editing something in the story I’ll publish it back in a few minutes or so. My bad 


Deleted four sets of fangs right when I was in the middle of reading it 


          Hey wanna read a mafia dark romance theme book then toxic desire is your book here us the description you can find it on my profile
          He pinned me against the cold wall his body pressing unto mine leaving me breathless , his piercing green eyes blazed with a fierce intensity , burning with a hunger that my made my knees tremble. 
          My tongue unconsciously moves to wet my lips but it was immediately stopped by him " you're playing with fire Principessa 'he whispered , his lips grazing near my earlobes sending shivers down my spine . 
          "You're mine now "His voice was low and menacing and with that he left me short of breath his words dripping with a threat no threats may not be fulfilled his was a promise , promise of captivity and ownership, his eyes promising me ruin and destruction but the twisted part is that I wanted every last bit of it. 
          In the shadows, they whispered his name. Alessandro. The devil in a tailored suit, with eyes that burned like hellfire. He was the one who pulled the strings, who manipulated fate like a puppeteer. And I, Rosa, was his latest obsession.
          They said he was a monster, a creature driven by power and lust. That he would stop at nothing to claim what he wanted. And I believed them. But I also knew that I was trapped in his web, a fly caught in the spider's embrace.
          He whispered sweet nothings in my ear, his breath hot against my skin. 'You're mine, Rosa. Forever mine.' And I shuddered, my heart racing with fear and excitement.
          'He said he'd burn the world for me, and I'll let him,' I thought, my mind consumed by the darkness of our love.
          For in the darkness, there was a thrill that waited. A thrill that only Alessandro could give me. And I was willing to risk everything to feel it a


Hello. I’m a new reader and hoping to read your book titled ‘One Queen to Three Kings’ but I cannot find it here in your account. I’m just wondering if it did get unpublished or the title just changed?? Thank you.


Hey y’all, just a quick little notice that if you look at some of my stories you’ll notice that either the title or the cover, or both have been changed. Don’t worry the story is still the same, I just got bored and wanted to spruce it up.


No I’m just editing something in the story I’ll publish it back in a few minutes or so. My bad 


Deleted four sets of fangs right when I was in the middle of reading it 