
So, I’ve had an idea for a while about creating a fanfiction about Danganronpa. But instead have all the characters be neurodivergent. I’ve finally gotten around to try and ask about it. I need 16 characters, but I only have and idea for three. One with Autism, one with ADHD and one with both. What are some other things I can do? I don’t know any others, so what it’s called and a description of it would be nice. It doesn’t have to be a mental disorder thingo. It could be a disability or something. But a website would be fine as well


I mean autism and and are both disabilities but, anxiety, depression, ocd, crps, demand avoidance and asthma


So, I’ve had an idea for a while about creating a fanfiction about Danganronpa. But instead have all the characters be neurodivergent. I’ve finally gotten around to try and ask about it. I need 16 characters, but I only have and idea for three. One with Autism, one with ADHD and one with both. What are some other things I can do? I don’t know any others, so what it’s called and a description of it would be nice. It doesn’t have to be a mental disorder thingo. It could be a disability or something. But a website would be fine as well


I mean autism and and are both disabilities but, anxiety, depression, ocd, crps, demand avoidance and asthma