dope ʙoʏ (compʟeted) 

mɪsuɴdeʀstood (1/5- pʀeseɴt)

kɪɴɢ pɪɴ (2/15- pʀeseɴt)

deceptɪve ɪɴteʟʟɪɢeɴce (comɪɴɢ sooɴ)
  • ПриєднавсяNovember 8, 2014

Останнє повідомлення
NovelsbyKai NovelsbyKai May 20, 2022 03:03AM
Hello  I know its been a while, but I'm thinking about finishing King Pin. Are any of ya'll still active on here? 
Переглянути всі бесіди

Історії від Rena❤️
Dope Boy від NovelsbyKai
Dope Boy
aғтer a ѕтorм coмeѕ a calм.
King Pin | Book 2 від NovelsbyKai
King Pin | Book 2
Sequel to Dope boy!!!
Misunderstood | Book One від NovelsbyKai
Misunderstood | Book One
Hatred isn't obtained. It's taught.