
I'm not going to be posting a chapter today. I've had a lot on my plate recently, and I'd rather not fully deplete my backlog. Expect a new chapter next week.


I've decided on a day for releases. 
          Starting tomorrow, every Wednesday, I'll post a new chapter of No Good Deed. I'm hoping to stick to this schedule as long as I can, as it'll help me force myself to write consistently. Chapter three is almost done with revisions, so look forward to seeing that tomorrow. It's a pretty fun chapter, gave me a chance to test my dialogue skills a bit more.


Debating between finishing my revisions on NGD ch3 and releasing it today, or holding off for a week-ish. I've got two more complete chapters awaiting revisions so I won't exactly be hurting for content for a couple weeks if I space out chapters to a weekly release schedule after.
          With NGD, the first four chapters are really integral to get the feel for the tone I'm going for, so I'm very excited to get them out there after a good bit of fumbling around with when/where to start posting this story.


@OliviaEGlory Advice is definitely welcome. Thanks for your input, I'll probably pick a day and stick to it henceforth. My uploading of the first two chapters was an impulse decision after sitting on them indecisively for a couple months, so now that I've taken that first step it's probably wise to make sure the next ones are done with a bit more thought.
            Thanks for your input and excitement! Having fresh eyes on my work makes it that much more exciting to put time into writing chapters.


@NovusScarlet I'm excited to read the chapters as well!


@NovusScarlet Hmmm...That's a tough decision! Not sure if you wanted advice on this, but if so, I would recommend sticking to your schedule.  Things may come up in your own life where you would appreciate the extra time to write/do your own thing. And you could always change your mind and make edits if you want