Hey yall I’m back! I probably won’t be posting much but I may occasionally post an update or something. Hope yall all are doing well!
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Hey yall I’m back! I probably won’t be posting much but I may occasionally post an update or something. Hope yall all are doing well!
Hey yall I’m back! I probably won’t be posting much but I may occasionally post an update or something. Hope yall all are doing well!
yo idk if ur still on here anymore but happy birthday man
I deeply apologize for my disappearance, I got wattpad banned and I can only sneak on now. I want to apologize for the awful stuff I've said and I hope to not have to sneak here one day, stay safe everyone.
With spring in full spring I’ve changed my background to fit the season! Yes all the pictures I use for my background I’ve taken myself .
@Sippin_Coffee Thanks! Helps to keep things fresh and give some another reason to take pictures of the outdoors
I can’t draw or write for while, I lost my best boy today. My Guinea pig s’mores had a seizure or something and he died in my arms.
@ItsThePuppetMan Thank you, I’m glad I got to be with him in his final moments so that he didn’t have to suffer alone.
Almost to 1,000 views on the first sketch book! Just WOW! Thank you EVERYONE for your support and love! I’d have a much gloomier life if I’d never joined wattpad! THANK YOUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!
APRIL FOOLS!!!!!! I’m not actually quitting art and writing! If I did I’d quite literally have nothing because everything else has been taken from me by my snotty wanna have it all brother. And a huugeee thanks to those who support me even when it’s an April fools! @Sippin_Coffee @CryoFangs549 @PerceptivePanther
IMPORTANT NEWS!!! For awhile I’ve had difficulty drawing and I feel like I just can’t keep up anymore, I may just quit drawing and writing all together. I feel so useless and like my art and writing will never be good enough… :(
@NoxiousFang P a r d o n ? My friend, you are NOT useless at all! Your art and writing are awesome! Please don't give up on what you're good at!
@NoxiousFang * F L I N T L O C K W O O D M E M E * EXCUSE ME.....IF U STOP DRAWING AND WRITING I WILL THROW NY OWN KITTY OUTTA MA WINDOW and nobody wants to see a flying kitty . So plz no stop writing and drawing cuz u r amazing
@NoxiousFang Your art is amazing! :D You're not useless whatsoever. Please don't tell yourself that you are But if you feel like quitting then that is alright, if you are sure you want to
I apologize for not being on much everyone but I’ve been super stressed and busy and having massive mood swings that I just physically or mentally get on to write or draw anything.
@NoxiousFang It's totally fine! Your mental health is way more important than this site! <3333
Your second artbook has 420 reads... nice
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