i don't really use this anymore, but if you want my fics, you can find me on ao3. i'm gilded_mushroom : 3
  • انضمMay 5, 2015

الرسالة الأخيرة
noxiousseraph noxiousseraph Aug 18, 2024 05:51PM
come see me on Ao3, @gilded_mushroom! my current hyperfixation ship is patrochilles. tsoa, the iliad, hades... whichever one you're familiar with-- i draw characterization from all of these, plus par...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم nox
lament بقلم noxiousseraph
not for the things i've lost, nor for my woes, but for the hopes uninvolved i shredded in my ignorance.
trashcan ii بقلم noxiousseraph
trashcan ii
"when we are born, we cry that we are come to this great stage of fools." - william shakespeare ❇❇❇
trashcan (literal trash) بقلم noxiousseraph
trashcan (literal trash)
You will lose your faith in humanity if you read this. *grabs a Connie Springer* ((last few chapters were wri...
4 قوائم قراءة