come see me on Ao3, @gilded_mushroom! my current hyperfixation ship is patrochilles. tsoa, the iliad, hades... whichever one you're familiar with-- i draw characterization from all of these, plus paris: the musical and other isolated myths and stories.
so far i have 3 oneshots and an ongoing fic that's going to be quite long.
come see me on Ao3, @gilded_mushroom! my current hyperfixation ship is patrochilles. tsoa, the iliad, hades... whichever one you're familiar with-- i draw characterization from all of these, plus paris: the musical and other isolated myths and stories.
so far i have 3 oneshots and an ongoing fic that's going to be quite long.
@elveloy i enjoyed the short ride! i plan to check out your other stories as well later on so you'll definitely see me flapping my mouth around a few more times thanks for giving life to your brilliant ideas and sharing them with us ✨
stains of filth is literally hurting me so much.
i have NEVER ever thought of dropping a novel, a book, a story, before due to the sheer amount of pain packed in it, and this is definitely a memorable first.
confused why i ever left.
what i've built here is one of the only things i own.
perhaps i thought it was superficial, but in the end, i'm a nameless wisp who had better stay where i dug my grave, who had better haunt what i used to trek.
i have come back.
in other words, my bulshit has not ended!
and we're probably back cringier than ever folks. stay tuned for the results of my indecisiveness and tomfoolery : /