I need someone to talk to... I cried 3 times today plus right know... Someone plz talk to me...
@icryaftersex but what if I dont tell him soon enough? What if he finds out with out me telling him? And your right I shouldn't rush this and I'm not I just want him to understand me and accept me for me but I just wanted to say thank you for giving me this advice and im sorry for bothering you and wasting your time on me im sorry but thank you again love
If I were u, whenever u don’t want to be around your dad or talk to him just say u have to go to the bathroom and take a few minutes to collect yourself. If you feel like you’re ready to tell him then go for it but don’t rush telling him just remember to take your time sweetie
@icryaftersex otay But when ever I try to avoid him he also trys to talk to me and my dad is very strict and I dont want his to like get mad and like him me and stuff but I do feel like im ready to tell him but I just end up being scared or end up crying I'm very sensitive when stuff like this happens and I feel like he would disowned me but I just want to say thank you for being there for me I really appreciate it thank you so much