Hi, I wanted to thank you as you are the first person to vote and I will be dedicating a chapter to you! I am going to be posting a chapter today, the 3rd. I also want to apologize as I haven’t updated sooner. Some of my plants had a spider mite infestation and I freaking hate bugs. I live on the 23rd floor of my building so I don’t know how they got up here by whatever. Anyway I hate bugs and these things are DEVILS!! If you leave one egg laying female there will be millions (again) in a few weeks. So I had to thoroughly clean
my apartment. I am really sad as I had a huge raspberry plant that was infested so I couldn’t save it… Other than that I am preparing for my vacation to end and I have a lot to do. I will be posting more often though and as you are my first voter you can make suggestions for it! Hope your doing well,
Shadow Folk