I feel pretty much like Niall’s laugh right now , full of happiness, energy and sunshine! ✨


Omgg I saw ur name in one of the comments on the changing room and I was like, is her name نور or some word in english that I don't know of! 
          Then I saw ur bio which is super cute n' funny 
          Soooo من سوريا؟


And it is really so addictive like I can’t actually stop reading حياتي بالمختصر صارت عبارة عن هالرواية 


And I first read the adjacent room and was OBSESSED and I finished it and now I’m in chapter 7.5 of the changing room 


Haha yeah I get surprised too when I see arabs in here but it’s cool 


A year and a couple days after the last massage that I wrote here , now I guess I can safely say that I’m fine . I always thought that it won’t go away and that I will always be stuck there , but it does go away and it is worth it . You start realizing that your life is actually worth living, you eventually see that it is a blessing and it is a learning process, you just need to be patient enough. And ALWAYS remember that you are STRONG no matter what happens you will survive. It looks tough now but believe me that when it goes away you will be glad that you didn’t give up.
          Be kind to yourself 
          Spread good energy 
          Be positive 
          And always remember to say to the people that you love your feelings cause you don’t even realize how that might help a person.
          Love you all 


this message may be offensive
I realized something today.
          I belong nowhere, I don’t have a place that I could call home.
          Nobody really cares about me that much.
          I don’t have an idea about what I’ll do in the future.
          My mom loves my brother and sister much more than me and me going away is not that big of a deal for her.
          My dad is not who I remembered , and I’m apparently not daddy’s girl.
          My sister doesn’t know what I’m going through so she probably thinks that I’m dramatic.
          I’m not that beautiful.
          My life is a mess.
          All men are trash and they don’t deserve shit.
          I’m as lame as one could be.