
this message may be offensive
"Swear I fucking miss you
          	It's been a few months since we last talked
          	I don't know if you miss me
          	I've been stuck in my head everyday
          	I can't get out 'cause I don't know what to say
          	Remember last July you went out lied
          	Lied to my face and made me feel denied
          	Don't know what I did, but it was still my fault
          	That's what you said, that's what you said
          	Leave, leave me down on the dance floor
          	I can't pick up my self no more
          	I deserve this, I deserve this
          	I deserve this, I des-, I des-, I
          	Leave me down on the dance floor
          	I can't pick up my self no more
          	I deserve this, I deserve this
          	I deserve this, I des-, I des-, I
          	I need you tonight
          	I don't wanna cry for one night
          	I just want a normal life
          	I just wanna be alright
          	I don't wanna kill myself
          	I just wanna fix my health
          	Fucking hate this loneliness
          	Never felt-
          	Leave, leave me down on the dance floor
          	I can't pick up my self no more
          	I deserve this, I deserve this
          	I deserve this, I des-, I des-, I
          	Leave me down on the dance floor
          	I can't pick up my self no more
          	I deserve this, I deserve this
          	I deserve this, I des-, I des-, I
          	Leave me down on the dance floor
          	I can't pick up my self no more
          	I deserve this, I deserve this
          	I deserve this"


@beefyd1e n0.
          	  als0 i definitely aint in the f0urth grade, im in kindergarten!!! /big j


Wth did eye mizz?


this message may be offensive
"Swear I fucking miss you
          It's been a few months since we last talked
          I don't know if you miss me
          I've been stuck in my head everyday
          I can't get out 'cause I don't know what to say
          Remember last July you went out lied
          Lied to my face and made me feel denied
          Don't know what I did, but it was still my fault
          That's what you said, that's what you said
          Leave, leave me down on the dance floor
          I can't pick up my self no more
          I deserve this, I deserve this
          I deserve this, I des-, I des-, I
          Leave me down on the dance floor
          I can't pick up my self no more
          I deserve this, I deserve this
          I deserve this, I des-, I des-, I
          I need you tonight
          I don't wanna cry for one night
          I just want a normal life
          I just wanna be alright
          I don't wanna kill myself
          I just wanna fix my health
          Fucking hate this loneliness
          Never felt-
          Leave, leave me down on the dance floor
          I can't pick up my self no more
          I deserve this, I deserve this
          I deserve this, I des-, I des-, I
          Leave me down on the dance floor
          I can't pick up my self no more
          I deserve this, I deserve this
          I deserve this, I des-, I des-, I
          Leave me down on the dance floor
          I can't pick up my self no more
          I deserve this, I deserve this
          I deserve this"


@beefyd1e n0.
            als0 i definitely aint in the f0urth grade, im in kindergarten!!! /big j


im crying what in the world is going on




@beefyd1e yay i made s0me0ne giggle w00h000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000!!!!!!!!!!!!!




this message may be offensive
c0ngrats @Pillow_Te_Artist y0u glitched my pr0file with y0ur like 70 (n0t j0king) c0mments im g0nna fucking kms bye


@Pillow_Te_Artist ...
            c0nsumes the f00d in an instant


this message may be offensive
fuck y0u @Pillow_Te_Artist im muting y0u


ive rem0ved the "this pr0file is a safe space f0r lgbtq+ yadadada" thing in the ab0ut section in my pr0file because
          1. they're n0t safe because i have a flamethr0wer :3 /j
          2. i needed t0 add my three new genders and uh i definitely didnt have the space t0 add them with0ut rem0ving that secti0n
          3. im lgbtq+ myself vr0
          s0.... yeah!
          @Pillow_Te_Artist i technically made them myself because you only did the pronouns heheh


@Pillow_Te_Artist bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb (get it because 50b 50 b fifty b)